Another posting (below) from the NMH Library blog. This time we were publicizing a Meat Pie performance. I'm not sure who did the drawings. I loved the energy, enthusiasm, sense of fun and adventure these young musicians brought to the library! We're all thinking of you, Jesse - Pam Allan
Please join us in the library for Acoustic Friday with improvisational string quartet MEAT PIE!
Friday, May 25, 2007, 4-5 PM
- Harlin , Viola
- Sue , Cello
- Lysander, Violin
- Jesse , Violin
all i can say is "not fair", and stomp my feet like a low blood sugar three year old on the verge of a major tantrum. this is wrong, he's the wrong kid, a terrible mistake is being made. i am angry and sad, and in serious denial. it's pathetic to admit to these base feelings, i know, particularly as i am a 42 year old mother of one of jesses' friends, kiah. i should know better, i should behave with restraint, acceptance and maturity, as i see people less than half my age doing; sad, graceful, mannered. it's no stretch when i read others' accounts of the twinkle and light in jesses' eyes. we were smitten the first time he came to dinner. his vest, his tie, little round scholarly glasses, those fabulously square pointy-toed loafers with socks that matched. where did he come from? immediately, he reminded me of a boy i'd met when i was 18. his name is michael landis. he was a lanky, pale,studious jazz musician, and he was very ill with childhood diabetes. he read miller, ginsberg, neitzsche, and played the mouth harp with such passion i fell in love straight away. michael has been near death and in so many diabetic comas, we were always waiting for the other shoe to fall...until a miracle happened, he received a kidney, and at 47, is finally sort of healthy. i digress, but allow me that jesse is my daughters' michael. she crumpled when he was diagnosed, quivered and pained over any news, took him his gastronomes' delights,and said "eat, eat!" talked about him constantly, obsessed when she didn't hear, and was inconsolable when she finally did. she had just flown back to college in cali, and got the email from jesses' cousin. that was two days ago. she is on a flight home right now. jesse means so much to her, and my heart breaks. michaels and jesses are rare rare birds, i'd be lost without mine, and i would do anything to give kiah back hers. so i will rage, rage like mr. thomas,who wrote
ReplyDelete"wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
and learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
do not go gentle into that good night"
i will drink good scotch in honor of your beloved jesse, and i offer my condolences to the family, we will never, ever forget him, and we deeply feel your pain.
love and prayers, cindy coble and family